Associate Professor Beth Osborne of the School of Theatre published a new essay, “The Promise of the Green New Deal: A 21st-Century Federal Theatre Project” in The Drama Review (vol. 65, issue 4). The essay examines two historical Federal Theatre Project structures, the National Service Bureau and the Community Drama Program, and postulates that the Green New Deal’s call for job creation should extend toward the creation of such a project for the 21st century.
Osborne previously published her first book on this subject, Staging the People: Community and Identity in the Federal Theatre Project (Palgrave, 2011), seeking to decenter what we think we know about the Federal Theatre Project by focusing on case studies in the often-ignored regions outside of New York City. She concludes her most recent essay looking to the future, providing a manifesto befitting a Green Federal Theatre.
Elizabeth A. Osborne serves as the co-director of the MA & PhD programs in Theatre & Performance Research. Her research focuses on the relationship between theatre and community, the future of graduate education, and the performance of history and cultural memory.
More information about Professor Osborne and her work can be found on her website.