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Once in the River, You are the River: Protect Our Water

In honor of Urinetown the Musical, a show that was a part of our 2020-2021 season, we want to help FSU students and the Tallahassee community get a better understanding of where our water comes from and how to protect it. Urinetown the Musical is about a town so deep in a water shortage that home toilets were illegal and citizens had to pay for public amenities to take care of private business. These amenities were run by a greedy corporation who had profits first over people. Severe drought is partly to blame for their water shortage, but the show also speaks to poor water management. There are plenty of things we as citizens can do to keep our water clean! Here is a fun video for the City of Tallahassee’s Think About Personal Pollution program. For more videos and ways that you can keep our water clean, click here!