The Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC), recently named Teresa Simone as its graduate Young Scholars Award recipient. Teresa, a second year PhD student in Theatre Studies, was one of only two winners to receive this award, granting her a year’s membership to the conference.
The Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC), is a 4,531-member networking organization that provides support to academics and emerging arts. Each year, the SETC History/Theory/Criticism/Literature Committee invites submissions in all topics related to the broad categories from graduate and undergraduate students to submit for the Young Scholars Award, ultimately awarding only one graduate and one undergraduate student.
Simone holds an MA in Gender Studies with a concentration in Performance Studies from the University of Arizona. She is also a graduate of the Dell’Arte International School for Physical Theatre and trained with Augusto Boal, the San Francisco Mime Troupe, and Cornerstone Theatre. Her appreciation for educational theatre is evidenced in her work with Stories that Soar in Tucson, which produces children’s productions. The essay that won her this award looks at art objects to examine representations of performing and performative monkeys in Rococo-era France.
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